The Earlier the Better


“A year from now you’ll wish you had started today.” Karen Lamb


We always make different plans in our lives. Life is not about only plans but it’s about the implementation of those plans and making them real. Delaying our decisions can result in a total loss. Life doesn’t always give you a second chance. We keep postponing our dreams by thinking that right now it’s not the proper time to do it, what would people think, I don’t have proper resources or I don’t have my family support. All these reasons are just meaningless and lame excuses that we give to ourselves. Beat procrastination, wake up, and push yourself to reach the stars. So that when you grow old you don’t have any ifs and buts, rather you can say ‘I tried’.

Jennifer Alice is a fitness trainer and mindset coach. She teaches women how to be fit, happy and healthy. Like all of us she also had fears before starting her career as a trainer. She was afraid of the world she wanted to step in, “I am not skilled enough”, “I am not fit enough”, “It’s very hard”, “This is not the right time to do it” and many other similar thoughts. But then her father’s serious illness made her realize that life is so unpredictable, everything can be gone just in a blink of an eye. So, she pushed all her fears back and promised herself that she’ll make it happen before it’s too late. And she did it. Despite all her mistakes and failures, today she is a successful trainer and coach because she didn’t delay pursuing her dreams.

The sooner you realize your strengths and push back your fears the better you’ll be able to create a life you dreamt of, without any regrets.



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